Trigger actions for contacts
API | Description |
GET api/v1/Actions |
Will return all actions |
POST api/v1/Actions/{id}?contactId={contactId} |
Will trigger action by id on contact. Action must be trigger-able manually and be enabled |
POST api/v1/Actions/{id}?segmentId={segmentId} |
Will trigger action by id on segment. Action must be trigger-able manually and be enabled |
API | Description |
POST api/v1/Banners/CacheReset |
Requests a cache reset for the specified banners. Will return HTTP 200 or HTTP 404 if banner is not found. |
POST api/v1/Banners/CacheReset?secret={secret} |
Requests a cache reset for a list of banner version. Will return HTTP 200 or HTTP 404 if banner is not found. |
API | Description |
GET api/v1/BulkExport?type={type} |
Will return bulk exports by its type or all if none provided. |
POST api/v1/BulkExport |
No documentation available. |
Manage Contact Companies
API | Description |
GET api/v1/ContactCompanies |
Get all ContactCompanies |
GET api/v1/ContactCompanies?primaryContactEmail={primaryContactEmail} |
A list of ContactCompanies where the Contact with the provided email address is primary contact. |
GET api/v1/ContactCompanies?contactCompanyNumber={contactCompanyNumber} |
Get a ContactCompany using ContactCompanyNumber (An external unique identifier of the company) |
GET api/v1/ContactCompanies/{id} |
Get a ContactCompany |
GET api/v1/ContactCompanies/{id}/Contacts |
Gets a list of Contacts associated with the ContactCompany If the ContactCompany has no Contacts associated a HTTP 404 is returned |
POST api/v1/ContactCompanies |
Creates a ContactCompany |
POST api/v1/ContactCompanies/{id}/AddContact |
Associates a Contact with a ContactCompany |
POST api/v1/ContactCompanies/{id}/RemoveContact |
Removes a Contact's association with a ContactCompany |
PATCH api/v1/ContactCompanies |
Patch ContactCompany by id, only fields in the request are updated |
API | Description |
GET api/v1/ContactEvents?type={type}&lastId={lastId} |
Retrieve array of events with id higher than provided lastId and specified type. A maximum of 1000 events are returned |
GET api/v1/ContactEvents?type={type}&subtype={subtype}&from={from}&to={to}&contactId={contactId} |
Will get events by type. |
POST api/v1/ContactEvents?ignoreUnknownContacts={ignoreUnknownContacts} |
Will create new events for contacts with specified information. Will return HTTP 404 if a contact with given Id is not found. |
Manage contacts
API | Description |
GET api/v1/Contacts |
Returns all contactIds in system |
GET api/v1/Contacts?email={email} |
Will return contact by its email or HTTP 404 if contact is not found. |
GET api/v1/Contacts?phone={phone} |
Will return contact by its phone or HTTP 404 if contact is not found. |
GET api/v1/Contacts?secret={secret}&ip={ip} |
Will return contact by its secret or HTTP 404 if contact is not found. |
GET api/v1/Contacts?field={field}&value={value} |
Will return array of contacts by dynamic field or empty array if no contacts are found. |
GET api/v1/Contacts/{id} |
Will return contact by its id or HTTP 404 if contact is not found. |
GET api/v1/Contacts/PatchFields |
Will return a list of contact fields which can be PATCHed on a batch of contacts. |
GET api/v1/Contacts/DynamicFields |
Will get Account specific fields. The fields will be valid to use in all requests, but will not be shown in the documentation, because it is account wide documentation. |
GET api/v1/Contacts/GetContactsBaseInfo |
Returns basic info about all contacts in the system. |
GET api/v1/Contacts/Registration?timespan={timespan}&source={source}&ip={ip} |
Will return array of registered contacts by Registration timespan, RegistrationSource or RegistrationIp (can combine). Will return empty array if nothing is found. |
GET api/v1/Contacts/{id}/PersonDataFile |
Will return url of person data file |
POST api/v1/Contacts |
Will create new contact with specified information. If contact with same Name or same Phone number exists then HTTP 409 will be returned. If no Store with PreferredStoreId exists then HTTP 409 will be returned. |
POST api/v1/Contacts/{id}/Login |
Validates a password for a specific user. Will return contact or HTTP 404 if contact is not found. |
POST api/v1/Contacts/{id}/SetPassword |
Sets the password for a user. Will return HTTP 200 or HTTP 404 if contact is not found. |
POST api/v1/Contacts/{id}/UnblockEmail |
Unblocks a contact that is bounced by email. Returns false if the contact is not bounced by email. |
PUT api/v1/Contacts/{id} |
Will update contact identified by id with specified information. If contact has been modified (concurrent update) since it has been retrieved then HTTP 409 will be returned with latest contact information. If another contact with same Email or Phone is found then HTTP 409 will be returned with latest contact information for specified contact. If no Store with PreferredStoreId exists then HTTP 409 will be returned. |
PATCH api/v1/Contacts |
Will PATCH the given {Fields} on contacts by the given {Keys}. |
PATCH api/v1/Contacts/{id} |
Will patch contact object with given values. Only updates contact properties that are not null in patchContactDto. All other properties are left unchanged. NOTE: The following properies will be set to null if the patch value is "" (empty string): PhoneCountryCode, Phone and Email |
DELETE api/v1/Contacts/{id} |
Will delete contact with specified id. |
Dynamic fields are account specific properties on owner objects (Order, OrderLine, ...) and consequently are not displayed in the API documentation. However, they can be used in all API requests to owner objects.
API | Description |
GET api/v1/DynamicFields/{id}?owner={owner} |
Retrieve array of dynamic fields by owner. |
Dynamic table entities are referring to rows/entries in a dynamic table. {tableName} refers to a dynamic table named {tableName}.
API | Description |
GET api/v1/table/{tableName} |
Will return all {tableName} entity ids |
GET api/v1/table/{tableName}?secret={secret} |
Will return {tableName} entity by secret or HTTP 404. |
GET api/v1/table/{tableName}?externalId={externalId} |
Will return {tableName} entity by external id or HTTP 404 |
GET api/v1/table/{tableName}?lastId={lastId}&take={take} |
Will return {tableName} entities with id higher than provided lastId up to limit |
GET api/v1/table/{tableName}/{id} |
Will return {tableName} entity by id or HTTP 404 |
POST api/v1/table/{tableName} |
Will create new {tableName} entity. Returns HTTP 423 if the request must be made through a converter. |
POST api/v1/table/{tableName}/Bulk |
Will create new {tableName} entities. Returns HTTP 423 if the request must be made through a converter. |
PATCH api/v1/table/{tableName}/{id} |
Will update {tableName} entity. Returns HTTP 423 if the request must be made through a converter. |
DELETE api/v1/table/{tableName}/{id} |
Will delete {tableName} entity. Returns HTTP 423 if the request must be made through a converter. |
Dynamic tables are account specific tables and consequently are not displayed in the API documentation
API | Description |
GET api/v1/DynamicTables |
Retrieve array of dynamic tables. |
API | Description |
POST api/v1/Email2Dispatches |
Will create an email2 dispatch. An id will only be returned if the scope is using segments. |
API | Description |
POST api/v1/EmailBuilderCampaigns |
Create an Email Builder Campaign |
POST api/v1/EmailBuilderCampaigns/{id}/Cancel |
Cancel a scheduled EmailBuilderCampaign |
POST api/v1/EmailBuilderCampaigns/{id}/AddBlock |
Add an Email Builder Block to an Email Builder Campaign |
POST api/v1/EmailBuilderCampaigns/{id}/Schedule |
Schedule an Email Builder Campaign |
Manage EmailDispatches
API | Description |
GET api/v1/EmailDispatches?type={type}&status[0]={status[0]}&status[1]={status[1]}&from={from}&to={to}&take={take} |
Will return an array of email dispatches |
POST api/v1/EmailDispatches |
Will create an email dispatch |
API | Description |
GET api/v1/EmailDispatchReceiver?lastId={lastId} |
Retrieve array of EmailDispatchReceivers with ids created after the provided lastId. A maximum of around 1000 are returned - so if you get 1000 or more back you should ask again with your new lastId |
GET api/v1/EmailDispatchReceiver?emailDispatchId={emailDispatchId}&contactId={contactId} |
Retrieve a EmailDispatchReceiver with matching email dispatch id and contact id |
Manage feed syncs
API | Description |
POST api/v1/FeedSyncs/{id}/SyncNow |
Will trigger a feed sync to sync now. |
API | Description |
GET api/v1/IframeToken?tokenId={tokenId} |
Get an IframeToken |
Manage Media Library
API | Description |
GET api/v1/Media?folderId={folderId} |
Returns a list of Media in the requested folder. |
GET api/v1/Media/{id} |
Returns a single Media item. |
GET api/v1/Media/Folders |
Returns a list of media folders |
POST api/v1/Media |
Creates a new Media |
POST api/v1/Media/{id}/Rename?newName={newName} |
Rename a Media |
DELETE api/v1/Media/{id} |
Delete media with specified id. |
Manage orders and orderlines
API | Description |
GET api/v1/Orders?extOrderId={extOrderId} |
Retrieve orders by extOrderId |
GET api/v1/Orders?contactId={contactId}&orderType={orderType}&withOrderLines={withOrderLines} |
Retrieve array of orders by contact id. |
GET api/v1/Orders/{id} |
Retrieve order by id |
GET api/v1/Orders/Types |
Retrieve array of valid order types. |
POST api/v1/Orders |
Create new order with the specified information. Will return HTTP 400 on missing or invalid orderlines, and on invalid order type. |
POST api/v1/Orders/{id}/Lines |
Create new order line with the specified information. Will return HTTP 404 on missing order and HTTP 400 on invalid order line. |
PATCH api/v1/Orders/{id} |
Patch order by id, only fields in the request are updated |
PATCH api/v1/Orders/{id}/Lines/{lid} |
Patch order line by id, only fields in the request are updated. Will return HTTP 404 on invalid order or order line ids. |
DELETE api/v1/Orders/{id} |
Delete order by id. Will return HTTP 404 on missing order. |
DELETE api/v1/Orders/{id}/Lines/{lid} |
Delete order line. Will return HTTP 404 on missing order or missing order line and HTTP 400 on invalid operation on order (the last order line cannot be deleted, delete order instead). |
API | Description |
GET api/v1/PermissionSourceCategories |
Retrieve array of permission source categories |
API | Description |
GET api/v1/PermissionSourceCategoryRelations |
Retrieve array of permission source categories |
Manage points
API | Description |
GET api/v1/Points?lastId={lastId}&type={type} |
Retrieve array of points with id higher than provided lastId and with optional specified type. A maximum of 1000 points are returned |
GET api/v1/Points?sourceId={sourceId}&type={type} |
Retrieve array of points with specified source id. |
GET api/v1/Points?type={type}&from={from}&to={to}&storeId={storeId} |
Retrieve array of points within the datetime from(including) and to with specified type and (optional) storeId. |
GET api/v1/Points?contactId={contactId}&type={type}&datetimeFrom={datetimeFrom}&datetimeTo={datetimeTo} |
Retrieve array of points for specified contact. |
GET api/v1/Points/{id} |
Retrieve a point by id |
GET api/v1/Points/Types |
Retrieve array of valid point types. |
GET api/v1/Points/Totals?type={type} |
Retrieve array of pointtotals. |
GET api/v1/Points/Sums?contactId={contactId}&type={type} |
Retrieve array of pointsums for specified contact. |
GET api/v1/Points/SumsByContact?type={type}&storeId={storeId} |
Retrieve array of pointsums of a specific type of points for all contacts. |
GET api/v1/Points/SumsByStore?type={type}&from={from}&to={to} |
Retrieve array of pointstoresums of a specific type of points for all stores within an optional timeframe |
GET api/v1/Points/TotalForContact?contactId={contactId}&type={type}&subType={subType} |
Retrieve sum of points of a certain type and subtype for specified contact |
GET api/v1/Points/SumsByContactCompanies?type={type}&from={from}&to={to}&storeId={storeId} |
Retrieve array of ContactCompany sums within the datetime from(including) and to - with specified type and (optional) storeId. |
GET api/v1/Points/TotalForContactCompany?contactCompanyId={contactCompanyId}&type={type}&from={from}&to={to} |
Retrieve sum for a ContactCompany - within the datetime from (including) and to - with specified type. If no point exist - NULL is returned. |
GET api/v1/Points/ByContactCompany?contactCompanyId={contactCompanyId}&type={type}&from={from}&to={to}&storeId={storeId} |
Retrieve array of points for the specified ContactCompany - within the datetime from(including) and to - with specified type and storeId. |
POST api/v1/Points |
Will create new point for contact with specified information. Will return HTTP 404 if contact with given Id is not found. |
POST api/v1/Points/{id}/Cancel |
Cancel a point |
SEARCH api/v1/Points/ForStores?type={type}&from={from}&to={to} |
Retrieve array of points within the datetime from(including) and to with specified type and associated with one of stores in the list. |
SEARCH api/v1/Points/SumsForStoresByContactCompanies?type={type}&from={from}&to={to} |
Retrieve array of point sums for stores grouped by ContactCompanies within the datetime from (including) and to - with specified type. |
API | Description |
GET api/v1/Segments?folderId={folderId} |
Returns an list of segments based on folderId |
GET api/v1/Segments/{id} |
Gets a segment by id |
GET api/v1/Segments/GetContactCount?s[0]={s[0]}&s[1]={s[1]} |
Returns a Contact count based on a list of segmentIds |
GET api/v1/Segments/{id}/GetContactIds |
Returns a list of contactIds from a segment |
GET api/v1/Segments/{id}/GetContactsBaseInfo |
Returns a list of contactEmails from a segment |
POST api/v1/Segments/ContactIds |
Creates a segment based on a list of contactIds |
POST api/v1/Segments/GetContactCount |
Returns a Contact count based on a list of segmentIds |
Manage stores and contact-store relationships
API | Description |
GET api/v1/Stores?number={number} |
Will return speciffic store by number |
GET api/v1/Stores?withoutJsonString={withoutJsonString} |
Get all Stores for an account. |
GET api/v1/Stores/{id} |
Will return speciffic store by id |
POST api/v1/Stores |
Will create a new store |
PATCH api/v1/Stores |
Patch Store by id, only fields in the request are updated |